國際關係 APHN

亞太安寧療護學會(Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network)


  線上報名  /  補助申請  /  簽到簽退   日期時間|2022.10.22(週六) @ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 會議地點|網路視訊 Zoom 會議議程| 報名費用|APHN 會員 USD$60      非會員 USD$80      團體報名 USD$400  費用補助 | 個人報名:    對象|APHN會員、非會員合計50人       本會合約機構夥伴優先,依補助申請提交時間排序  補助金額|APHN會員補助新台幣900元整       非會員補助新台...
Welcome 21st Council Members! Top Row: Prof Yoshiyuki KIZAWA, Dr Thushari HAPUARACHCHI, Dr Ednin HAMZAH, Dr Mandy PARRIS-PIPER, Prof KWON So-hi Middle Row: Ms CHOO Shiu Ling, Mr KWAN Kam Fan, A/Prof Ghauri AGGARWAL, Dr JHO Hyung Jung, Prof Bishnu...
Dear APHN Member,  Notice is hereby given that the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members of the APHN will be convened and held virtually by means of the electronic platform Zoom on 30 June 2021 at 1700hrs (GMT+8) to transact the following...
Notice of 20th Annual General Meeting Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network (APHN) REGISTRATION FOR MEMBERS / DELEGATES Dear APHN Member Notice is hereby given that the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members of the APHN will be c...
The 19th Council  Top (left to right): Prof Yoshiyuki Kizawa, Dr Theresa Lai, Dr Chun-Kai Fang, Prof Tetsuo Kashiwagi (Advisor), Prof Wang Ying-Wei, Prof Kwon So Hi, Dr Mandy Parris-Piper, Dr Sushma Bhatnagar, Dr Urip Murtedjo, Dr Rumalie A. Corve...

