- Advance Care Planning and Communication|預立醫療與溝通
- Ageing and Geriatrics |老化與老年醫學
- Arts and Humanities (including art and music therapy) |人文醫療(包括藝術治療及音樂治療)
- Bereavement, Grief and Loss |喪親、悲傷和失落
- Care Delivery / System Developmen | 照護系統設置與發展
- Clinical Ethics |醫學倫理
- Clinical Nutrition |營養
- Complementary, Natural and Alternative Therapies|整合輔助治療
- Covid-19|新冠肺炎
- Education, Training and Supervision |教育與訓練
- Family Caregivers |家庭照顧者
- Paediatric Palliative Care |兒童安寧
- Pain and Pain Management |疼痛控制
- Symptom Management other than pain |非疼痛的症狀控制
- Palliative Care in Non-cancer diseases |非癌安寧
- Patient and Public Involvement |病人與社會參與
- Policy or Programme Advocacy, Development and Evaluation |政策倡議、發展與評估
- Professional Issues and the Professional Worker |專業議題與工作者
- Psycho-Social Issue |社心議題
- Quality of Palliative Care |安寧緩和醫療品質
- Rehabilitation |復健
- Research Method |研究方法論
- Selfcare and Wellness |自我照顧與安適
- Social Movement / Advocacy |社會運動及倡議
- Spirituality / Chaplaincy |靈性與宗教
- Volunteers |志工服務