【WHPCA】Global Palliative Care Series Webinar #8 - Palliative Care in Covid-19: Inter-professional Spiritual Care and Self Care

國際上四個安寧緩和醫療組織:International Association for Hospice & palliative Care(IAHPC), International Children's Palliative Care Network (ICPCN)Palliative Care in Humanitarian Aid Situations and Emergencies network(PalCHASE)The Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance(WHPCA),在全球武漢肺炎(COVID19)流行之際,就安寧緩和醫療為出發點,一起設計了一系列有關安寧緩和醫療和COVID-19的專題,並且每週舉行一次網絡研討會。目的在向民間、聯合國組織、決策者、管理者、和提供醫療服務者,講述全球相關的安寧緩和醫療資訊和建議。歡迎屆時一起線上參與討論!


Palliative Care & COVID-19 Webinar - Palliative Care in Covid-19: Inter-professional Spiritual Care and Self Care

時  間:2020年06月11日(四)20:00
Christina M Puchalski, (USA) 
The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Washington DC.
Richard Bauer, (Kenya) 
Fathers and Brothers Maryknoll, Africa Region.
Marvin O Delgado, (USA) 
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Dale Larson, (USA)
Santa Clara University.
Mary Vachon, (Canada) 
Department of Psychiatry and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.
Marcia Lattanzi-Licht, ( USA) 
Psychotherapist, Educator, Consultant – Person with lived experience of loss. 
