【APHN】Webinar #15: Palliative Care in Humanitarian Crisis

鑑於當前全球武漢肺炎(COVID19)大流行,APHN(Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network)在本年度第二次的網路研討會邀請了來自南非的Joan Marston博士,來講述人道危機下的安寧療護需求,做法,困境和建議。

歡迎屆時一起線上參與討論,亦歡迎在會議結束時向Joan Marston博士提問。

APHN 網路研討會: Palliative Care in Humanitarian Crisis

時  間:2020年05月26日(二)20:00-21:00
主  持 人: Dr Joan Marston
Dr Marston is the co-founder of PalCHASE (Palliative Care in Humanitarian Aid Situations and Emergencies). Hosted by IAHPC, PalCHASE is a global network of palliative care and humanitarian health practitioners working to ensure palliative care is included in the humanitarian health response to disasters and humanitarian crises. 
