全球正遭受武漢肺炎疫情肆虐,APHN(Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network)主席 A/Prof Cynthia Goh(Senior Consultant at the National Cancer Centre Singapore)發起一場2週一次,每次1小時的爐邊會(Fireside Chat),在疫情中連結起亞太地區的支持網。
APHN Covid-19 Fireside Chat 第一次會議
時 間:2020年04月21日(二)19:00-20:00
主 持 人: A/Prof Cynthia Goh
Dr Ning Xiao Hong
Consultant Physician, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Bejing, China
Professor Kwon So Hi
Nursing Professor, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea
Dr Jho Hyun-Jung
Head, Department of Hospice and Palliative Service, National Cancer Center, Goyang, South Korea
Dr Dilhar Samaraweera
Consultant Physician, Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka