2019世界安寧日主題-Palliative Care: it's "My Care, My Right."


Palliative Care: it's "My Care, My Right."

就在這一天,來自全球各地的末期病人及其家屬,將攜手發聲,呼籲政府重視並制定相關政策,全力推展安寧緩和醫療。同時也邀請各領域領導人、志工、有志民眾及臨床人員共襄盛舉,連袂倡議今年度主題:「緩和照護:我的醫療,我作主(Palliative Care: it's "My Care, My Right.")」。


My Care,My Right主要強調人民有權主張並享有安寧療護,政府當局應該重視此權益,並將安寧療護優先納入國家醫療保險政策。


今年度WHPCA也在「My Care,My Right」的主題下另設子主題,強調群體動員、特別是志工投入服務的重要性,以確保末期病人皆可獲得應有的照護及保障。簡而言之,當安寧療護被視為末期病人的基本權益,則UHC如何制定發展目標以捍衛末期病人福祉,值得全球共同關注。


 • 訂閱WHPCA的電子報,掌握活動最新訊息
 • 關注Twitter:@worldhospiceday
 • 關注主題標籤:#mycaremyright和#whpcd19 相關訊息
 • Email聯絡Shelley Enarson(senarson@thewhpca.org),協助將世界安寧日訊息翻譯各國語言。


On Saturday, October 12 2019, something extraordinary is going to happen.

People from around the world who have been impacted by a life-limiting illness -- either personally or by supporting a loved one -- will be making their voices heard, asking policy makers to pay attention to prioritize palliative care policies and services. Further, people who have been standing in solidarity with them -- local leaders, volunteers, advocates, clinicians -- will be volunteering their time to amplify this public message: Palliative Care: it's "My Care, My Right."

About the theme

The theme My Care, My Right aims to communicate that palliative care can be demanded by the public - and that, together, every person impacted by a life limiting illness can influence their policy makers to prioritize palliative care financing under Universal Health Coverage.

This year's WHPCD 2019 comes on the heels of the UN High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) on 23 September. Therefore, a key action for the campaign will be to call on governments to listen to people who need or access palliative care and support the inclusion of the essential package of palliative care in all national Universal Health Coverage (UHC) schemes.

The sub-theme of My Care, My Right will address the importance of mobilizing communities, particularly volunteers to ensure that patient’s right to care are supported. Specifically addressing the premise that if care is a patient's right, how can UHC support carers to improve their well being under Sustainable Development Goal 3.8.

How to get involved

  • Subscribe to the WHPCA's newsletter for campaign updates and the launch of new campaign materials: http://tiny.cc/lnky8y
  • Follow @worldhospiceday on Twitter
  • Follow hashtags: #mycaremyright and #whpcd19
  • Get in touch to translate materials into your local language by emailing: Shelley Enarson at senarson@thewhpca.org.


